Revision code

Changes Version 0.27.0
Released on July 04, 2016 with 20 commits

Compatible changes

  • Calling up.log.enable() will now keep logging enabled for the remainder of this browser session (and persist through page reloads).
  • Added experimental events to observe history changes: up:history:push (preventable), up:history:pushed and up:history:restored
  • Fix a bug where prepending or appending multiple elements with :before / :after pseudo-classes would not work correctly in tables.
  • Fix a bug where calling up.animate() with { duration: 0 } would return a promise that never resolved.
  • A click on the page body now closes the popup on mousedown instead of click. This fixes the case where an [up-instant] link removes its parent and thus a click event never bubbles up to the body.
  • When opening a modal, elements behind the dialog can now be moved correctly when scrollbars have custom styles on ::-webkit-scrollbar. To take advantage of this, make sure to also style scrollbars on elements with an [up-viewport] attribute.
  • Fix a bug where up.tooltip.config was not publicly acccessible.
  • Fix a bug where up.tooltip.isOpen() was not publicly acccessible.
  • New tooltip configuration options: config.openDuration, config.closeDuration, config.openEasing, config.closeEasing
  • Opening/closing many tooltips concurrently now behaves deterministically.
  • Opening/closing many popups concurrently now behaves deterministically.
  • Opening/closing many modals concurrently now behaves deterministically.
  • IE9 fixes: Polyfill window.console and several properties (log, debug, info, warn, error, group, groupCollapsed, groupEnd)

Breaking changes

  • Tooltips now open and close much quicker.
  • Popups now open and close much quicker.
  • .up-current now considers two URLs different if they have different query strings.


If you're upgrading from an older Unpoly version you should load unpoly-migrate.js to polyfill deprecated APIs. Changes handled by unpoly-migrate.js are not considered breaking changes.

See our upgrading guide for details.