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up.script [up-asset]
HTML selector

Tracks an element as a frontend asset, usually JavaScripts and stylesheets.

When rendering, Unpoly compares the assets on the current page with the new assets from the server response. If the assets don't match, an up:assets:changed event is emitted.

Default assets

By default all remote scripts and stylesheets in the <head> are considered assets:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/frontend-5f3aa101.css"> <!-- mark-line -->
    <script src="/assets/frontend-81ba23a9.js"></script> <!-- mark-line -->

Unpoly only tracks assets in the <head>. Elements in the <body> are never tracked.

Inline scripts and internal styles are not tracked by default, but you can include them explicitly.

Excluding assets from tracking

To exclude an element in the <head> from tracking, mark it with an [up-asset="false"] attribute:

<script src="/assets/analytics.js" up-asset="false"></script>

To exclude assets by default, configure up.script.config.noAssetSelectors.

Tracking additional assets

To track additional assets in the <head>, mark them with an [up-asset] attribute.

For example, inline scripts are not tracked by default, but you can include them explictily:

<script up-asset>
  window.SALE_START = new Date('2024-05-01')

Only elements in the <head> can be matched this way.

To track additional assets by default, configure up.script.config.assetSelectors.

Tracking the backend version

To detect a new deployment of your backend code, consider including the deployed commit hash in a <meta> tag.

By marking the <meta> tag with [up-asset] it will also emit an up:assets:changed event when the commit hash changes:

<meta name="backend-version" value="d50c6dd629e9bbc80304e14a6ba99a18c32ba738" up-asset>