Custom JavaScript up.script

The up.script package lets you pair HTML elements with JavaScript behavior.

Forms up.form

The up.form module helps you work with non-trivial forms.

Layers up.layer

Unpoly allows you to open page fragments in an overlay. Overlays may be stacked infinitely.

Fragment API up.fragment

The up.fragment module offers a high-level JavaScript API to work with DOM elements.

Passive updates up.radio

This package contains functionality to passively receive updates from the server.

Animation up.motion

When you update a page fragment you can animate the change.

Status effects up.status

Unpoly can apply temporary status effects to your page as the user navigates through your site.

Network requests up.network

This package implements an optimized HTTP client that is used for all requests made through Unpoly.

Events up.event

This module contains functions to emit and observe DOM events.

Server protocol up.protocol

Unpoly has an optional protocol your server may implement to exchange additional information when Unpoly is updating fragments. The protocol mostly works by adding additional HTTP headers (like X-Up-Target) to requests and responses.

DOM helpers up.element

The up.element module contains low-level utilities for raw DOM access and manipulation.

Scrolling and focus up.viewport

The up.viewport module controls scrolling and focus within scrollable containers ("viewports").

History up.history

The up.history module helps you work with the browser history.

Utility functions up.util

The up.util module contains functions to facilitate the work with basic JavaScript values like lists, strings or functions.

Framework initialization up.framework

The up.framework module lets you customize Unpoly's initialization sequence.

Logging up.log

Unpoly can print debugging information to the browser console.