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API Navigation

When a browser user interacts with a standard hyperlink or form, they have certain expectations regarding scrolling, history, focus, request cancelation, etc. When an Unpoly feature navigates it will mimic the behavior of standard hyperlinks and forms.

When an Unpoly feature does not navigate, it only renders a new fragment, without affecting scroll positions, browser, history, etc.

Following a link, submitting a form or opening an overlay is considered navigation by default. You may opt out of navigation defaults by passing a { navigate: false } option or setting an [up-navigate=false] attribute.

Other features like validation or up.render() are not considered navigation by default. You may opt into navigation by passing a { navigate: true } option or setting an [up-navigate=true] attribute.

Feature Navigates by default?
[up-follow] yes
up.follow() yes
up.navigate() yes
[up-layer=new] yes
up.layer.open() yes
[up-submit] yes
up.submit() yes
up.render() no
[up-validate] no
up.validate() no
[up-poll] no

The following default options will be used when navigating:

Option Effect
{ history: 'auto' } Update history if rendering a main target
{ scroll: 'auto' } Reset scroll position if rendering a main target
{ fallback: ':main' } Render a main target if response doesn't contain the given target
{ cache: 'auto' } Cache responses
{ revalidate: 'auto' } Cache responses
{ feedback: true } Set .up-active and .up-loading classes while waiting for the server
{ focus: 'auto' } Focus the new fragment (read more)
{ peel: true } Close overlays when targeting a layer below

Customizing defaults

You can customize your navigation defaults with up.fragment.config.navigateOptions:

up.fragment.config.navigateOptions.transition = 'cross-fade'

Defaults that depend on the origin

Sometimes you need to configure defaults that depend on the link or form that was activated.

Events like up:link:follow or up:form:submit have a { renderOptions } property that lets you change render options for the coming fragment update.

The code below will open all form-contained links in an overlay, as to not lose the user's form data:

up.on('up:link:follow', function(event, link) {
  if (link.closest('form')) {
    event.renderOptions.layer = 'new'