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API Updating history

Unpoly will update the browser location, document title and meta tags as the user follows links and submits forms.

When history is changed

There are some restrictions for when Unpoly will change history. This sections explains the reasons for these restrictions and shows how to override them.

Only major fragments change history

By default Unpoly only changes history when a main element is rendered. This is to prevent location changes when rendering a minor fragment, like a table row or a message counter.

This behavior is a navigation default in up.fragment.config.navigateOptions.history === 'auto'.

To cause auto-history to trigger on fragments other than main elements, add a selector to up.fragment.config.autoHistoryTargets.

Forcing a history change

To force a change of history state, use one of the following:

  • Set an [up-history=true] attribute on your link or form.
  • Pass a { history: true } option when rendering a fragment programmatically.
  • Set up.fragment.config.navigateOptions.history = true. This will be the new default for all links and forms.

Preventing a history change

To prevent changing history-related state after rendering a major fragment, use one of the following:

  • Set an [up-history=false] attribute on your link or form.
  • Pass a { history: false } option when rendering a fragment programmatically.
  • Set up.fragment.config.navigateOptions.history = false. This will be the new default for all links and forms.

Only GET requests change history

Only requests with a GET method are egible to change browser history. This is because only GET requests can be reloaded and restored safely. This behavior cannot be configured.

Changing history after a form submission

Form submissions with methods like POST, PUT or PATCH never change history. However, if a successful form submssion redirects to a GET URL, that new request is again egible to change history.

Changing history during programmatic rendering

When your JavaScript updates a fragment using up.render(), history is never changed by default. You may opt into history changes using one of the following:

  • Pass a { history: true } option to force a history change.
  • Pass a { history: 'auto' } option to update history if updating a major fragment.
  • Use up.navigate() instead of up.render() to inherit navigation defaults.

What is updated when history changes

A history update comprises the following:

  • The URL shown in the browser's address bar.
  • The document title shown as the browser's window title.
  • Meta tags like meta[name=description] or link[rel=canonical].

In the document below, the highlighted nodes will be updated when history is changed, in additional to the location URL:

<head lang="en"> <!-- mark-phrase "en" -->
  <title>AcmeCorp</title> <!-- mark-line -->
  <link rel="canonical" href="https://example.com/dresses/green-dresses"> <!-- mark-line -->
  <meta name="description" content="About the AcmeCorp team"> <!-- mark-line -->
  <meta prop="og:image" content="https://app.com/og.jpg"> <!-- mark-line -->
  <script src="/assets/app.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/app.css">  

The linked JavaScript and stylesheet are not part of history state and will not be updated.

Partial history updates

You may choose to only update some history-related state, but keep others unchanged:

History in overlays

By default modals and overlays will have visible history if their initial fragment is a main element. To override this default, use one of the following:

Also see History restoration in overlays

Behavior of overlays with history

When an overlay has visible history, its location and title are shown in the browser window while the overlay is open. Also meta tags from the overlay content will be placed into the <head>.

When an overlay is closed, the URL, title and meta tags from the background layer are restored.

Behavior of overlays without history

If visible history is disabled, it will remain disabled for the lifetime of the overlay.

Even when an overlay doesn't have visible history, is still tracks its location using the rules described on this page. You can access an overlay's current location using up.layer.location.

When an overlay without history opens another overlay, the nested overlay cannot have history, even with { history: true }.

Supporting the back button

See Restoring history.