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API Customizing overlays

Overlays ship with minimal styling and common default behavior. That look and feel can be customized.

Understanding the HTML structure

The various overlay modes have an HTML structure like this:

<up-modal size="medium">                     <!-- container with attributes -->
  <up-modal-backdrop></up-modal-backdrop>    <!-- semi-transparent background -->
  <up-modal-viewport>                        <!-- scroll bar -->
    <up-modal-box>                           <!-- white box with padding -->
      <up-modal-content>...</div>            <!-- content parent (unstyled) -->
      <up-modal-dismiss>×</up-modal-dismiss> <!-- dismiss icon -->

For drawers and cover modals replace the <up-modal> elements with <up-drawer> or <up-cover> accordingly.

Popups have a simpler markup as they don't have a backdrop, scroll bar or dismiss icon:

<up-popup size="medium" position="bottom" align="left">

Customizing overlays with CSS

Unpoly ships with some basic CSS styles for the various overlay modes.

You may override Unpoly's default styles in your CSS:

up-modal-box {
  background-color: #eeeeee;
  padding: 20px;

You may also style overlays with a particular property. E.g. the following selector would only match the box of a right-aligned popup:

up-popup[align=right] up-popup-box {

Overlay sizes

When opening an overlay you may pass an [up-size] attribute or { size } option that give the overlay a width:

<a href="/path" up-layer="new" up-size="small">open small modal</a>
<a href="/path" up-layer="new" up-size="medium">open medium modal</a>
<a href="/path" up-layer="new" up-size="large">open large modal</a>
<a href="/path" up-layer="new" up-size="grow">open growing modal</a>
<a href="/path" up-layer="new" up-size="full">open full-width modal</a>

If you don't pass a size you get a medium overlay.

Sizes set a maximum width for the overlay's box element (e.g. <up-modal-box>). The default widths are:

Mode small medium large full grow
modal 350px 650px 1000px 100% grow with content
popup 180px 300px 550px 100% grow with content
drawer 150px 340px 600px 100% grow with content
cover - - - 100% -

You can customize sizes with CSS:

up-modal[size=medium] up-modal-box {
  width: 500px;

Regardless of size, overlays never grow wider than the screen width.

Customizing dismiss controls

By default the user can dismiss an overlay user by pressing Escape, by clicking outside the overlay box or by pressing an "X" icon in the top-right corner.

You may customize the dismiss controls available to the user.

Overlay classes

Overlays are currently limited to the built-in overlay modes.

You may however make a variant of an existing mode, by passing an [up-class] attribute or { class } option when opening an overlay:

<a href="/confirm-erase"
  Erase disk

The class will be assigned to the overlay's container element:

<up-modal class="warning">

You can now style "warning modals" in your CSS:

up-modal.warning up-modal-box {
  background-color: yellow

Customizing overlay elements

The overlay HTML structure is static and cannot be changed through an option.

If you need to customize the overlay elements, you may use the up:layer:opened event. The event is emitted after the overlay was inserted into the DOM, but before it is being rendered by the browser.

up.on('up:layer:opened', function(event) {
  if (isChristmas()) {
    up.element.affix(event.layer.element, '.santa-hat', text: 'Merry Christmas!')

Make sure to not remove any of the existing overlay elements or things will break.

By default popups will open below the link that opened it (the { origin }). You may control the position of the popup relative to the origin by assigning [up-position] and [up-align] attributes to the opening link. When opening an overlay with JavaScript, use { position, align } options.

The following combinations are supported:

{ position } { align } Effect
top left Popup sits above the origin. Left edges align.
top right Popup sits above the origin. Right edges align.
top center Popup sits above the origin. Horizontal centers align.
bottom left Popup sits below the origin. Left edges align.
bottom right Popup sits below the origin. Right edges align.
bottom center Popup sits below the origin. Horizontal centers align.
left top Popup sits left to the origin. Top edges align
left bottom Popup sits left to the origin. Bottom edges align.
left center Popup sits left to the origin. Vertical centers align.
right top Popup sits right to the origin. Top edges align.
right bottom Popup sits right to the origin. Bottom edges align.
right center Popup sits right to the origin. Vertical centers align.