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API Progress bar

When requests are taking long to load, Unpoly will show a thin progress bar at the top edge of the screen.

Progress bar animation

This mimics similar loading indicators by browsers, which only appear during full page loads. You can also customize the style or implement a custom loading indicator.

Styling the progress bar

The progress bar is implemented as a single <up-progress-bar> element. Unpoly will automatically insert and remove this element as requests are late or recovered.

You may style the progress bar element using CSS:

up-progress-bar {
  background-color: red;

Controlling when the progress bar appears

Unpoly will show the progress bar when a request is taking longer to respond than up.network.config.lateDelay.

You may override this per-request by using the { lateDelay } option or [up-late-delay] attribute. Passing { lateDelay: false } will never show a progress bar for that request.

Requests that are loading in the background should never show the progress bar. You may move a request into the background by passing an { background: true } option or setting an [up-background] attribute. Requests from preloading or polling are automatically marked as background requests.

To disable the progress bar globally, configure up.network.config.progressBar = false.


The progress bar can be disabled entirely:

up.network.config.progressBar = false

Custom loading indicators

If you don't like the default progress bar, you can observe the up:network:late and up:network:recover events to implement a custom loading indicator that appears during long-running requests.

To build a custom loading indicator, place an element like this in your application layout:

<loading-indicator>Please wait!</loading-indicator>

Now add a compiler that hides the <loading-indicator> element while there are no long-running requests:

// Disable the default progress bar
up.network.config.progressBar = false

up.compiler('loading-indicator', function(indicator) {
  function show() { up.element.show(indicator) }
  function hide() { up.element.hide(indicator) }


  return [
    up.on('up:network:late', show),
    up.on('up:network:recover', hide)

When you have implemented a custom loading indicator, you may want to disable the default progress bar by configuring up.network.config.progressBar = false.

Advanced loading state

Unpoly allows you to make arbitrary changes to individual fragments while they are loading.

See Loading state for details.