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API Aborting requests

When two requests target the same element, Unpoly will abort the earlier request.

This is to non-deterministic updates when two requests race to render the same fragment. Note that responses may or may not arrive in the same order as they were requested.

Controlling what's aborted

To control which requests are aborted, you may pass an { abort } option to rendering functions like up.follow(), up.submit() or up.render(). In your HTML you may use an [up-abort] attribute with the same values.

Don't abort anything

Pass { abort: false } to not abort any request.

If two requests would target the same fragment with { abort: false }, they will be rendered in the order of their response. If the first response removes the fragment targeted by the second request, it may cause the second request to fail or update a fallback target.

Aborting all requests

Pass { abort: 'all' } to abort all requests targeting any fragment on any layer.

Aborting requests on your layer

Pass { abort: 'layer' } to abort all requests targeting a fragment on the same layer as you.

Aborting conflicting requests

The default is { abort: 'target' }, which aborts earlier requests targeting fragments within your targeted fragments. Requests targeting other fragments are not aborted.

To visualize the effects of { abort: 'target' }, observe the layout below. The screen is split into a sidebar (#side) and a content area (#main). Contained within #main is a smaller fragment #box.

Layout with #side, #main and #box fragments

In this layout rendering with { abort: 'target' } has the following effect:

  • Concurrent requests targeting #side and #main will not abort each other.
  • When two requests target #main, the first request will be aborted by the second request.
  • Rendering #main will abort an earlier request targeting #box.
  • Rendering #box will not abort an earlier request targeting #main.

Preventing requests from being aborted

In some cases you may want protect a request from being aborted through { abort }.
You may do so by passing an { abortable: false } option.

Aborting imperatively

To imperatively abort requests targeting a fragment or layer, use the up.fragment.abort() function.

There is also a low-level up.network.abort() function, which aborts requests matching arbitrary conditions.

Reacting to aborted requests

When aborting requests using the { abort } option or through up.fragment.abort(), the events up:fragment:aborted and up:request:aborted are emitted.

To simplify the registration of code when a fragment or its ancestor is aborted, use up.fragment.onAborted().

Other aborting rules

Unpoly handles the following edge cases, which sometimes require requests to be aborted:

  • When a fragment is removed from the DOM (by rendering or explicit destroying), any request targeting this fragment is aborted. This is regardless of the { abort } option used.
  • When a layer is closed, all pending requests targeting that layer are aborted. This is regardless of the { abort } option used.
  • The mere act of preloading a link does not abort pending requests. Only when actually rendering from a preloaded response, requests targeting the same fragment are aborted.
  • When two requests attempt to open a new layer, the first request will be aborted by the second request.
  • A request to open a new layer is also aborted when the base layer's main element is targeted by a second request.