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API Layer option

Unpoly lets you stack multiple screens in layers. Layers are isolated, meaning that you cannot accidentally match a fragment in another layer.

Must Unpoly features accept a { layer } option or [up-layer] attribute to indicate the layer in which a fragment should be rendered or in which a CSS selector should match elements. Elements in other layers are ignored.

The default

When no { layer } option or [up-layer] attribute is given, Unpoly will generally match in the current layer.

The one exception is that when a DOM element is passed as { target } or { origin } option, Unpoly will use that element's layer. Clicking an Unpoly-enabled link or form will automatically set that link or form as the { origin }.

Disabling layer isolation

To disable layer isolation and match elements in any layer, pass { layer: 'any' }.

Matching the root layer

To match within the root layer, pass { layer: 'root' }.

Matching any overlay

To match within any layer that is not the root layer, pass { layer: 'overlay' }.

Matching the current or frontmost layer

To match within the current layer, either omit the { layer } option or explictely pass { layer: 'current' }.

You may also explicitly target the frontmost layer by passing { layer: 'front' }.

Most of the time, the current and frontmost layer both refer to the last layer in the layer stack. There are however some cases where the current layer is a layer in the background:

  • While an element in a background layer is being compiled.
  • While an Unpoly event like up:request:loaded is being triggered from a background layer.
  • While an event listener bound to a background layer using up.Layer#on() is being called.

Matching relative to the current layer

You may use common tree terminology to match a layer relative to the current layer:

Option Description
parent The layer that opened the current layer
closest The current layer or any ancestor, preferring closer layers
overlay Any overlay
ancestor Any ancestor layer of the current layer
child The child layer of the current layer
descendant Any descendant of the current layer
subtree The current layer and its descendants

Matching the layer of a given element

When a DOM element is passed as { target } or { origin } option, Unpoly will use that element's layer.

Clicking an Unpoly-enabled link or form will automatically set that link or form as the { origin }.

Matching a layer by index

Pass a number to match within a layer with that index.

Layers are counted from the root layer upwards. Therefore { layer: 0 } matches within the root layer. { layer: 1 } would match within the first overlay.

Using a layer reference

Functions like up.layer.get() or up.layer.current return an up.Layer instance that you can later pass as a { layer } option.

This is useful for async code where the "current" layer may change over time:

// Store an up.Layer reference to what is now the current layer.
let layerReference = up.layer.current

// Run a function in 10 seconds layer.
setTimeout(function() {
  // Pass the saved layer reference since the current layer
  // may have changed in the last 10 seconds..
  let headlines = up.fragment.get('h1', { layer: layerReference })
  console.log("Headlines are ", headlines)
}, 10000)

Matching in multiple layers

You can pass more than one layer reference as an array of options. Alternatively you may pass a a string of layer names separated by a space character or an or delimiter.

For example { layer: 'current or parent' } would match in either the current layer or the parent layer.

If layers in the given list don't exist they will be ignored. For example, 'parent or root' would first try to match within a parent layer. If there is no parent layer (because we're already in the root layer), Unpoly will match within the root layer.

Opening new layers

You may render a fragment in a new overlay by passing { layer: 'new' }.

See opening overlays for details.

Targeting another layer for server errors

Like most render options, { layer } and [up-layer] indicate which layer to update in case of a successful server response.

To set the layer when the server responds with an error code, use { failLayer } or [up-fail-layer].