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up.layer up.layer.get([value])
JavaScript function

Returns an up.Layer object for the given element or layer option.

Looking up the layer of an element

Passing an element will return the layer containing that element:

let element = document.querySelector(...)
up.layer.get(element) // returns the element's layer

If the given element is detached, or part of a closing overlay, undefined is returned.

Getting the nth layer

Pass a number to return the up.Layer object at that index:

up.layer.get(0) // returns the root layer
up.layer.get(1) // returns the first overlay

Resolving a layer option

Pass any layer option to return the up.Layer object of the first layer matching that option:

up.layer.get('front') // returns the front layer

To look up one of multiple layer options, separate the values using or:

// returns the parent layer, or the root if we're already on root:
up.layer.get('parent or root')

Existing up.Layer objects are returned

Passing an existing up.Layer object will return it unchanged:

let layer = up.layer.root
up.layer.get(layer) // returns the given layer

Missing values return the current layer

Passing null or undefined will return the current layer:

up.layer.get(undefined) // returns the current layer


[value='current'] string|up.Layer|number optional

The layer option to look up.

Return value

The layer matching the given option.

If no layer matches, undefined is returned.