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API Target derivation

Unpoly often needs to guess a CSS selector that will match an element. This is called target derivation.

In the example below Unpoly derives a target selector for an element that is being reloaded:

let element = document.querySelector('#foo')
up.reload(element) // Derives the target '#foo' from the given element

Popular features that must derive targets are [up-poll], [up-hungry], [up-viewport], up.reload(Element) and up.render(Element).

Identifying properties

To build a good selector, the element needs an identifying property that distinguishes it from other elements on the same layer. The most important properties that Unpoly looks for are the following:

  • The element's [id] or [up-id] attribute
  • The tag name of a page-unique element (<html>, <head>, <body>, <main>)
  • The element's [name] attribute
  • The element's combined [class] names, ignoring up.fragment.config.badTargetClasses.

When none of these properties are found, Unpoly will attempt additional derivation patterns to come up with a good selector before giving up.

Sometimes you may find that Unpoly cannot derive a good target for an element, or that the derived target matches the wrong element. In such cases consider giving your element an [id] property, which is HTML's standard way of identifying an element on the page.

Derivation patterns

Unpoly lets you configure patterns for target derivation in up.fragment.config.targetDerivers.

By default the following patterns are configured, with decreasing priority. Examples for selectors produced can be found in comments:

up.fragment.config.targetDerivers = [
  '[up-id]',         // [up-id="foo"]
  '[id]',            // #foo
  'html',            // html
  'head',            // head
  'body',            // body
  'main',            // main
  '[up-main]',       // [up-main="root"]
  'link[rel]',       // link[rel="canonical"]
  'meta[property]',  // meta[property="og:title"]
  '*[name]',         // input[name="email"]
  'form[action]',    // form[action="/users"]
  'a[href]',         // a[href="/users/"]
  '[class]',         // .foo (filtered by up.fragment.config.badTargetClasses)
  'form',            // form

Only applicable pattern will produce a target. E.g. the pattern 'link[rel]' only applies to <link rel="..."> elements and will be ignored for anything else.

Note how any attribute in a pattern is expanded to include an element's actual attribute value. E.g. the pattern a[href] produces a target like a[href="/users"]. Similarily the asterisk (*) will be expanded to the element's actual tag name.

If your deriver can't be expressed in a pattern string, you may also push a Function(Element): string?.

Derived target verification

Unpoly verifies if a derived targets will actually match the element. If another element is matched, the next applicable pattern in up.fragment.config.targetDerivers is tested.

If no pattern produces a matching target, an error up.CannotTarget is thrown. In such cases consider setting an [id] attribute, or configure a new derivation pattern.

Target verification may be disabled, which is almost always a bad idea.

Deriving a target programmatically

Your JavaScript can use up.fragment.toTarget() to derive a target from an element:

element = up.element.createFromHTML('<span class="klass">...</span>')
selector = up.fragment.toTarget(element) // returns '.klass'

Also see options for up.fragment.toTarget().

To test if a selector can be derived from a target, use up.fragment.isTargetable().