Derives a CSS selector that matches the given element as good as possible.
If no target can be derived and verified, an error up.CannotTarget
is thrown.
element = up.element.createFromHTML('<span class="klass">...</span>')
selector = up.fragment.toTarget(element) // returns '.klass'
The element for which to create a selector.
When a string is given, it is returned unchanged.
Whether to verify that the derived selector matches the given element.
Defaults to up.fragment.config.verifyDerivedTarget
Whether to provide a more unique selector by only considering the element's [id]
and [up-id]
Weaker target derivers, like the element's class, are not considered in strong mode.
The element's tag name is only considered for singleton elements like <html>
or <body>
The origin used to resolve an ambiguous selector during target verification.