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up.link [up-href]
HTML selector

Makes any element behave like a hyperlink.


The following <span> element will navigate to /details when clicked:

<span up-href="/details">Read more</span>


When the element is not an <a> or <button>, it gains the following behaviors to make it more accessible:

  • The element is given an [role=link] attribute so screen readers announce it as link.
  • The element shows pointer cursor when hovered over.
  • The element can be focused with the keyboard.
  • The element emits an up:click event when activated.
  • You may also assign an [up-instant] attribute to make the element activate on mousedown instead of click.

The link-like element cannot be opened in a new tab.

Advantages of <a> elements

In general you should prefer using regular hyperlinks (a[href]) over elements with [up-href]:

  • Only regular links allow the user to open the destination in a new tab
  • Regular links still work when JavaScript is unavailable.
  • Regular links can be followed from crawlers like Google

<a> elements are also exceptional in that they may contain block elements.

Use cases of [up-href]

There are some use cases for [up-href]:

  • When you want to prevent the user from opening a link in a new tab.
  • When the element cannot be wrapped in an <a>, e.g. a <tr>.
  • When you want a link to not be followed by crawlers like Google.

Modifying attributes


All attributes for a[up-follow] may be used.

[up-href] optional

The URL to load when activated.