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up.element up.element.get([parent], value)
JavaScript function

Returns the native Element for the given value.

This function is not aware of layers or transitions and does not support non-standard selectors like :main. For this use up.fragment.get().

Casting rules

  • If given an element, returns that element.
  • If given a CSS selector string, returns the first element matching that selector.
  • If given a jQuery collection , returns the first element in the collection. Throws an error if the collection contains more than one element.
  • If given any other argument (undefined, null, document, window…), returns the argument unchanged.


Passing a CSS selector will return the first matching element:

up.element.get('.foo') // returns the first matching element


[parent=document] Element optional

The parent element whose descendants to search if value is a CSS selector string.

If omitted, all elements in the document will be searched.

value Element|jQuery|string

The value to look up.

Return value

The obtained Element.