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up.event up.event.build([type], [props])
JavaScript function

This feature is experimental. It may be changed or removed in a future version.

Builds an event with the given type and properties.

The returned event is not emitted.


let event = up.event.build('my:event', { foo: 'bar' })
console.log(event.type)              // logs "my:event"
console.log(event.foo)               // logs "bar"
console.log(event.defaultPrevented)  // logs "false"
up.emit(event)                       // emits the event


[type] string optional

The event type.

May also be passed as a property { type }.

[props={}] Object optional

An object with event properties.

[props.type] string optional

The event type.

May also be passed as a first string argument.

Return value