Revision code

Changes Version 0.11.0
Released on October 21, 2015 with 14 commits

Compatible changes

  • Rework the scrolling implementation so we don't need to scroll elements to the top before replacing them.
  • up.ajax() now only caches responses with a status code of 200 OK
  • When a link with an [up-close] attribute is clicked, the link's default action will only be prevented if the link was actually within a modal or popup.
  • When revealing an element, Up will now compute the correct element position if there are additional positioning contexts between the viewport and the element
  • New option "top" for up.reveal(): Whether to scroll the viewport so that the first element row aligns with the top edge of the viewport. Without this option, up.reveal() scrolls as little as possible.
  • Allow to animate scrolling when the document is the viewport.
  • New up.layout setting fixedRight that contains selectors for elements that are anchored to the right edge of the screen. When opening a modal, these elements will be prevented from jumping around. If you're using unpoly-bootstrap3.js, this will default to ['.navbar-fixed-top', '.navbar-fixed-bottom', '.footer'].
  • Fix a bug in unpoly-rails where the gem would fail to include itself in some versions of Ruby and Rails.

Breaking changes

  • Interactions that would result in an URL change ("pushState") now fall back to a full page load if Unpoly was booted from a non-GET request. More information about the reasons for this.

    This currently works out of the box if you're using Unpoly via the unpoly-rails Rubygem. If you're integrating Unpoly with Bower or manually, you need to have your server app set an _up_request_method cookie with the current request method on every request.


If you're upgrading from an older Unpoly version you should load unpoly-migrate.js to polyfill deprecated APIs. Changes handled by unpoly-migrate.js are not considered breaking changes.

See our upgrading guide for details.