Revision code

Changes Version 0.16.0
Released on January 16, 2016 with 16 commits

Compatible changes

  • You can now configure up.proxy.config.maxRequests to limit the maximum number of concurrent requests. Additional requests are queued. This currently ignores preloading requests.

    You might find it useful to set this to 1 in full-stack integration tests (e.g. Selenium).

  • Allow to disable animations globally with up.motion.enabled = false. This can be useful in full-stack integration tests like a Selenium test suite.
  • New function up.motion.isEnabled to check if animations will be performed.
  • up.popup.attach() now throws a helpful error when trying to attach a popup to a non-existing element
  • New option up.modal.config.history to configure if modals change the browser URL (defaults to true)
  • New option up.popup.config.history to configure if popup change the browser URL (defaults to false).
  • Fix CSS for popups with a position of "bottom-left".

Breaking changes

  • Popups and modals used to close automatically whenever an element behind the overlay was replaced. This behavior is still in effect, but only if the replacement was triggered by a link or element from within the popup or modal.
  • Popups and modals no longer raise an error if their (hidden) overlay was closed before the response was received.
  • Popups and modals are now compiled before they are animated.


If you're upgrading from an older Unpoly version you should load unpoly-migrate.js to polyfill deprecated APIs. Changes handled by unpoly-migrate.js are not considered breaking changes.

See our upgrading guide for details.