Revision code

Changes Version 0.25.0
Released on April 18, 2016 with 19 commits

Compatible changes

  • New modal default up.modal.config.sticky
  • New experimental function up.modal.flavor() to register modal variants (like drawers).
  • Fix a bug where compilers and macros with higher priorities were executed last (instead of first like it says in the docs).
  • Fix a bug that would occur if two compiled elements, that were nested within each other, would raise an error if the outer element was destroyed and both compilers have destructor functions.
  • Fix a bug where replacing the <body> element would raise an error if any element in the old <body> had a destructor function.
  • The promise returned by up.replace() now waits for transitions to complete before resolving
  • Fix a bug where an error would be shown when opening a modal while another modal was still loading
  • Fix a bug where two popups would be shown when opening a popup while another popup was still loading
  • New options for up.popup.config:
  • Modals now longer addsa right padding to the <body> if the document has no vertical scroll bars
  • Animations now wait until the browser signals completion of the CSS transition. Previously animations were canceled after its duration, which might or might not have matched to the actual last animation frame.

Breaking changes

  • When opening a modal while another modal is open, the first modal will be closed (with animation) before the second modal opens (with animation)
  • When opening a popup while another popup is open, the first popup will be closed (with animation) before the second popup opens (with animation)
  • User-defined macros are now always run before built-in macros. This way you can set a[up-dash] and [up-expand] from your own macros.


If you're upgrading from an older Unpoly version you should load unpoly-migrate.js to polyfill deprecated APIs. Changes handled by unpoly-migrate.js are not considered breaking changes.

See our upgrading guide for details.