Revision code

Changes Version 0.37.0
Released on August 26, 2017 with 17 commits

Compatible changes

  • Fix a bug where replacing the <body> element would not trigger destructor functions in the old <body>.
  • Fix a bug where [up-layer] attributes or { layer } options were ignored.
  • a[up-target] and [form[up-target]] get a new modifying attribute [up-fail-layer]. Use it to set the layer to update if the server sends a non-200 status code. Valid values are auto, page, modal and popup.
  • JavaScript functions like up.replace() or up.submit() now have a { failLayer } option.


If you're upgrading from an older Unpoly version you should load unpoly-migrate.js to polyfill deprecated APIs. Changes handled by unpoly-migrate.js are not considered breaking changes.

See our upgrading guide for details.