tags that were inserted by a fragment update are no longer executed. They are still executed during the initial page load. If you need a fragment update to call JavaScript code, call it from a compiler (Google Analytics example).up.dom.config.runInlineScripts
has been removed without replacement.up.dom.config.runLinkedScripts
has been removed without replacement.<noscript>
tags were parsed into DOM elements (instead of a single verbatim text node). This was confusing libraries that work with <noscript>
tags, such as lazysizes.<noscript>
tags that were inserted by a fragment update could not be found with jQuery or document.querySelectorAll()
If you're upgrading from an older Unpoly version you should load unpoly-migrate.js
to polyfill deprecated APIs.
Changes handled by unpoly-migrate.js
are not considered breaking changes.
See our upgrading guide for details.