Revision code

Changes Version 3.9.5
Released on December 13, 2024 with 8 commits

This is another maintenance release that addresses some bugs while we're working on the next major feature update.


  • Fix a bug where targeted fragments would show the default focus outline on Safari. Regression introduced in 3.9.4.
  • Fix a bug where an overlay would show double scrollbars if <html> was chosen as the overflow element. Regression introduced in 3.8.0.
  • Prevent Unpoly from following or preloading links with the tel: scheme when Unpoly is configured to handle all links (by @begerdom).


If you're upgrading from an older Unpoly version you should load unpoly-migrate.js to polyfill deprecated APIs. Changes handled by unpoly-migrate.js are not considered breaking changes.

See our upgrading guide for details.