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up.form [up-observe]
HTML selector

This feature has been deprecated. Use [up-watch] instead.

Load unpoly-migrate.js to polyfill deprecated features.

Watches form fields and runs a callback when a value changes.

Only fields with a [name] attribute can be watched.

The programmatic variant of this is the up.watch() function.


The following would run a log whenever the <input> changes:

<input name="query" up-observe="console.log('New value', value)">

Callback context

The script given to [up-watch] runs with the following context:

Name Type Description
this Element The changed form field
name Element The [name] of the changed field
value string The new value of the changed field

Watching multiple fields

You can set [up-watch] on any element to observe all contained fields. The name argument contains the name of the field that was changed.

Modifying attributes


The code to run when any field's value changes.