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up.link up.link.config
JavaScript property

Configures defaults for link handling.

In particular you can configure Unpoly to handle all links on the page without requiring developers to set [up-...] attributes.


config.followSelectors Array<string>

An array of CSS selectors matching links that will be followed through Unpoly.

You can customize this property to automatically follow all links on a page without requiring an [up-follow] attribute. See Handling all links and forms.

config.noFollowSelectors Array<string>

Exceptions to up.link.config.followSelectors.

Matching links will not be followed through Unpoly, even if they match up.link.config.followSelectors.

By default Unpoly excludes:

  • Links with an [up-follow=false] attribute.
  • Links with a cross-origin [href].
  • Links with a [target] attribute (to target an iframe or open new browser tab).
  • Links with a [download] attribute.
  • Links with an [href] attribute starting with javascript:.
  • Links with an [href="#"] attribute that don't also have local HTML in an [up-document], [up-fragment] or [up-content] attribute.
config.instantSelectors Array<string>

An array of CSS selectors matching links that are followed on mousedown instead of on click.

You can customize this property to follow all links on mousedown without requiring an [up-instant] attribute. See Handling all links and forms.

Note that an instant link must also by followable, usually by giving it an [up-follow] attribute or by configuring up.link.config.followSelectors.

config.noInstantSelectors Array<string>

Exceptions to up.link.config.instantSelectors.

Matching links will not be followed on mousedown, even if they match up.link.config.instantSelectors.

By default Unpoly excludes:

  • Links with an [up-instant=false] attribute.
  • Links that are not followable.
config.preloadSelectors Array<string>

An array of CSS selectors matching links that are preloaded on hover.

You can customize this property to preload all links on mousedown without requiring an [up-preload] attribute. See Handling all links and forms.

config.noPreloadSelectors Array<string>

Exceptions to up.link.config.preloadSelectors.

Matching links will not be preloaded on hover, even if they match up.link.config.preloadSelectors.

By default Unpoly excludes:

[config.preloadDelay=90] number optional

The number of milliseconds to wait before preloading on hover.

[config.clickableSelectors] Array<string> optional experimental

A list of CSS selectors matching elements that should behave like links or buttons.

See Clicking on non-interactive elements.

[config.noClickableSelectors] Array<string> optional experimental

Exceptions to up.link.config.clickableSelectors.

Matching elements will not be receive interactive behavior, even if they match up.link.config.clickableSelectors.