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API Providing content to render

When you render content with a function like up.render() or an attribute like a[up-follow], there are several methods to provide that content.

A rendering function (or element) must be passed exactly one of the following options:

JavaScript option HTML attribute Effect
{ url } [href] or [action] Load a HTML document and extract a fragment
{ content } [up-content] Update an element's inner HTML from a string
{ fragment } [up-fragment] Update an element's outer HTML from a string
{ document } [up-document] Extract an element's outer HTML from a larger HTML string
{ response } Render an up.Response object

Rendering content from the server

Loading content from a URL

To have Unpoly fetch a HTML document from a server, pass a { url } option to a rendering function:

up.render({ url: '/path', target: '.target' })

The server is expected to respond with HTML that contains an element matching the target selector (.target):

  <div class="target">
    New content

The server response may contain other HTML, but only the element matching .target will be extracted and placed into the page. Other elements will be discarded. To only render the targeted element, observe the X-Up-Target request header.

In HTML you can pass the URL as a standard [href] attribute of a hyperlink (or as a form's [action] attribute):

<a href="/path" up-target=".target">Click me</a>


See targeting fragments for ways of controlling how the new fragment is inserted. For instance, you can choose to append the fragment instead of swapping it.

Rendering an existing response object

If you have already fetched content from the server, you can pass an up.Response object as a { response } option to render its contents:

let response = await up.request('/path')
up.render({ target: '.target', response })

This is also useful for accessing the discarded response when an overlay was closed by a server response.

Rendering a string of HTML

Sometimes you have to render a string of HTML that you already have. You may pass this string as a JavaScript variable or HTML attribute to render content without going through the server.

After HTML was inserted from a string, it is compiled.

Replacing a fragment's children

To only replace an element's children, pass the new inner HTML as a { content } option or as an [up-content] attribute.

For example, take the following HTML:

<div class="target" data-foo="value">
  Old content

We can update the element's children like this:

up.render('.target', { content: 'New content' })
<div class="target" data-foo="value">
  New content <!-- mark-line -->

Note that only the element's inner HTML was changed. The element node itself, including its attributes and event listeners, will remain unchanged.


This is useful to show overlays without going through the server:

<a up-layer="new popup" up-content="Passwords must contain a special character"> <!-- mark-phrase "up-content" -->


When no target is provided for a link, the main target is updated.

Rendering a string that only contains the fragment

To render a string of HTML comprising only the new fragment's outer HTML, pass it as a { fragment } option or as an [up-fragment] attribute.

In this variant you can omit a { target } option or [up-target] attribute. The target will be derived from the root element in the given HTML:

// This will update .foo
up.render({ fragment: '<div class=".foo">inner</div>' })

Extracting a fragment from a document

let html = `
    <div class="target">...</div>
    <div class="other">...</div>

up.render({ target: '.target', document: html })

The given { document } can be an entire HTML document or a larger fragment that contains .target somewhere. Only the matching element target selector will be extracted and placed into the page. Other elements will be discarded.

Rendering a detached element

Instead of a string you can also pass a detached Element as a { content }, { fragment } or { document } option:

let element = document.createElement(...)
up.render({ target: '.target', content: element })

Note that the element will be mutated by the render process.